Come to Session or Class 15-30 minutes early: This is a perfect time to do warmups and any accessory work/skill work/strength/mobility work that you may want to focus on. E.g., pullups may be programmed in workouts and on certain days but to really achieve say your first pull-up it make take more like 3 days a week for a month or two until you start getting close or get your first pullup. Use this time and you will be well on your way to getting your skills on.

Put the phone away for an hour: all we ask from you is to be present just for one hour. It is easy to get distracted by things going on in the outside world. This is your time to focus on you and reap all the benefits of an amazing workout. These workouts will help you clear your minds and stay more focused. Also if you go to your phone during the class this may also distract the others. So for the benefit you and all others please be present for this hour.

Stretch: the importance of stretching is so important for the overall body quality of our athletes. Working out can leave the body tight and sore. Stretching is your time to mitigate some of this soreness and prevent you from becoming a shriveled up ball of tightness. If you are unsure of what to stretch once again ask a coach or fellow athlete and they will lead you to your limberness.

Track your workouts: what are we in fact at the gym for unless we are tracking our progress? Tracking your progress will allow you to see what you have done in the past and how to progress and advance in the future. Tracking also gives you benchmarks and milestones in your training. You can ask your coach your numbers as well if you don’t have them. If you are traveling track what you are doing in google docs and share with your Coach!

Spend 15-30 minutes after session or class working on skill/strength/mobility: as we spoke of at the top of this newsletter spend some time after your workout to focus on the skill/strength/mobility work that you may have missed during the week or had not done in class. If you missed your deadlifts earlier in the week make it up so you are not behind in your cycle. If you have the time spend the time!

Eat Properly: You body is your engine, fuel it correctly. Try to eat solid foods an hour and half before you train and liquid proteins and drinks 45 minutes prior to workout. This will give your body a good amount of time to digest and be ready to give you energy for your workout. You can workout on an empty stomach but this would not be for performance. Instead you may use this as a weight loss technique such as intermittent fasting. If you want to have all the energy you need for a workout make sure you eat a well balanced meal with Carbohydrates, Protein, and Healthy Fats.

Remember failing to plan, is planning to fail.